Supplements Every Child Should Be Taking

Friday, December 11, 2009

In even the healthiest diets, some nutrients come up short. This is where daily supplementation comes into play. Here are some supplements that can benefit every child.

Not all bugs are created equally. Probiotics are the "good" guys. Lactobacillius, Bifido bacterium, and Acidophilus are examples of probiotics that work in your favor to support a healthy immune system and support healthy digestion. "Can't I get those by eating yogurt?" you ask. Yes, probiotics are found in fermented foods, such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, but the amount in these foods can be negligible. Infant/child probiotics are available in powder form. Ideally, start supplementation day one for a healthy gut! This is especially important if your child has taken antibiotics.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the root cause of all chronic conditions so combatting inflammation at an early age is key for a long, healthy life.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a wonder vitamin! It is a fat soluble vitamin present in very few foods. Your body actually produces this vitamin from uv rays of the sun. The benefits are endless, ranging from cancer prevention to prevention of autoimmune diseases to supporting a healthy immune system. 15 minutes of un-clothed exposure to sun/day is ideal. However, if you live in a rainy environment (like Portland, where we are deprived of the sun's rays) or if you just can't get outside, then supplementation is recommended. You can start supplementation in infancy. 400 IUs/day is sufficient.


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