
Monday, December 21, 2009

If you or your baby hasn't had a BM in a day or two, try CASTOR OIL PACKS. Castor oil is derived from the castor bean. Internally, it can be toxic. But applied externally to the abdomen, it can work wonders on the bowels! Also, a great sleep aid. You'll notice your baby will TRULY sleep like a baby! And good for you too- helps detoxify the liver and decrease inflammation in the body.
-Castor oil (sold at any health food store for around $5)
-old towel
-hot water bottle (for adult use only)

For children (I started this with Cece when she was just an infant):
-After a warm bath, apply a small amount (pea-dime size) on your child's abdomen and gently massage it into their skin.
-The oil will get your child's clothes oily so dress him/her in old pjs.
-Best done before bed. Repeat until BMs are regular.

For adults:
-Apply small amount of castor oil on your abdomen and massage into skin. You can target the liver (upper right quadrant of abdomen) to aid detoxification.
-Cover abdomen with old towel.
-Fill hot water bottle with warm water. You can also use an electric blanket. The heat increases absorption.
-Do this for 30 minutes before bed.

This is a gentle yet effective way to move the bowels and to enhance yours or your child's sleep!


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